
Once you have created your Job Role in Content Creation, you will need to allocate it to your learners so they can begin filling it in for their appraisal. Job Roles are a feature for your Enable LMS. If you do not have access to Job Roles in your Enable LMS, please get in touch with your Account Manager.

Allocating a Job Role

  1. Select Allocations from your Admin Dashboard and then Job Roles.
  2. Select the Job Role you wish to allocate.
  3. Select Allocate and tick the learners you wish to assign it to and then Next.
  4. Select the date that you would like to allocate the Job Role to the user and then select which Allocation Type you would it to be from the following options:
  • Do Not Allow Self Assessment – only the line manager of the learner is allowed to complete this based on the learner’s competency against their job role.
  • Allow Self Assessment – this will appear on the learner record for them to complete as their own self-assessment before being sent to their manager to complete. This allows the learner and their line manager to collaborate based on their individual findings and see where knowledge gaps are, and if any training is needed. This is the most frequently used method of allocating the Job Role to individuals for appraisal purposes.
  • Set as lowest competency level – This automatically sets the learner at the lowest possible level of their Job Role and assigns targets for them to work through immediately.
  1. Select if you would like the Job Role to be allocated to the learner dashboard by using the tick box ‘Display on Dashboard/User Profile’.
  2. Once you are happy with your options, select Create Allocations.
  3. You will then need to add a Manager to assess the Job Role assigned to your learner. They will oversee the answers that the user has inputted and cross-reference this with their own assessment of the individual.
  4. To add a manager to the Job Role, select Job Role Managers above the users list.
  5. Tick the individual you would like to oversee the users’ job roles and select Save Changes.
  6. Now the Job Role self-assessment will be allocated to your individuals for them to complete.