If a learner has completed courses outside of Enable and you would like to keep a record of it on their Enable account, a way to do it is to create External Learning. External Learning is a feature for your Enable LMS. If you do not have access to this in your Enable LMS, please get in touch with our Customer Service team.
This is a simple record of the training that was taken, the date and the provider of the training course. If a certificate was issued with the external training, this cannot be included as part of the record.
Creating External Learning
Select Content Creation and then External Learning.
Before you create the External Learning course, you will need to add in the Provider and Types of learning associated with the training that you are adding. This is to keep an accurate record of the training course.
Select Providers and then Create.
Add the name of the learning provider that the training was taken under and then Save. You can add as many learning providers as you like and tailor each external learning course accordingly.
Select Types and then Create.
Add the type of training that was taken and then Save. You can add as many learning types as you like and tailor each external learning course accordingly. Now you can begin constructing the External Learning course.
Select Content Creation - External Learning and then Create.
Type in the name of the External Learning course and select the Type of course from the options you have provided. If the type you want is not included in the list, you can add it in using the free text box below and select Add New Learning Type. You can add a description of the course if you wish and then select if you would like the training to expire. If you select this, an option to show the expiry length will appear below. You can set it to days, weeks, months or years.
Once you are happy with the course, select Save Changes to add it to the list of courses.
Now the piece of External Learning is on the system, you can allocate it to your learners.
Allocating External Learning to an individual user
Go to Allocations and select External Learning.
Select the course that you would like to add to the learner record.
Select Create Allocation
Tick the learner that you would like the course to be assigned to and select Next.
Select the Provider that the course is associated with and then Next.
Select the Date that the course was completed and once you are happy, select Save. A simple record of this piece of training will now appear on the learner record, under the Awards section.
Allocating External Learning to a batch of users
Go to Allocations and select External Learning
Select the course that you would like to add learners to and then Import.
Download the Excel sample that appears in the lightbox.
Fill in all the information in the excel spreadsheet: email address of the learner, the date that the course was completed, if the learner has passed and the provider of the course. Please note that the learner will already need to have an account in the system for the information to be uploaded. Once you are happy with your information, save the spreadsheet on your device. Then return to the Import lightbox on the External Learning allocations page and Choose File. Select the correct file and then Import.
Please note if the learner does not already exist in the domain, then it will show an error when you try to upload the spreadsheet.
If successful, a message will tell you: External learning import was successful and the record of this course will show in the Awards section of the learner’s account.