
Line Managers can monitor assigned learners as Staff on their account. If your domain does not have this enabled currently, please speak to your Account Manager. Line Managers can be assigned in one of two ways:

How to assign a Line Manager to a learner

Go to Users and upload your learner to the domain as normal. Select the learner from the list of users so you are taken to their account. Select Manage Line Managers and a lightbox will appear on screen. Search for the person that you would like to be Line Manager from the search box at the top and tick the correct user. Select Update Line Managers to confirm the change. You can add as many line managers to a learner, so please keep this in mind when adding them as they will be able to see all learner information.

How to assign staff to a Line Manager

If you need to assign multiple staff members to a single line manager, go to Users and find the learner that you require to be the line manager. Select their name so you are taken to their account. Scroll to the bottom of the profile and select Manage Staff. Then Add Staff and tick the learners that you would like to add to the line manager. You can add as many staff members to a line manager but please be aware, a line manager can see all learner information. Once happy with your selection, select Update Staff Members.
If you would like to remove a staff member from the line manager list, tick the learner from the list and select Delete.

Line Manager Functions

If you have been assigned as a line manager for staff members, you will see an icon called Staff when you log into your account. Select Staff to see a list of learners you can monitor. If you click a learner, you will be taken to their account and you can see all the courses that are assigned to their account, the groups they are a member of, their certificates and any events that they are booked onto. Please note that you cannot make any changes to a learner account, all you can do is monitor it.

Line Manager Reports

As a line manager, you have access to pre-set reports to run for your staff. Select Staff and then the Reports tab to view your options. You will notice that you can see reports for Direct Staff Only. These reports will show information for staff in your list only. If you select a report that doesn’t include this in the title, the report will show information on indirect staff members as well. This means that if you line manage a user that has their own staff on their account, you will be able to see their information on the report as well. Please bear this in mind when you are running reports to keep in line with Data Protection Regulations.
Select a report from this list to generate information about your staff. For more information on how to navigate your reports, please select here.