User permissions are the settings which will apply to all users, excluding LMS Admins and those with relevant admin permissions.
Can edit account settings
If you want your users to be able to amend their account settings, for example update their own name, user image or any optional fields you have enable, then select this option.
Can edit email address
This will allow users to change their email address, which is their user account name.
Can compose a new message
Allows all users to compose messages and send them to each other.
Can reply to a message
Allows users to reply to any messages they may receive.
Can compose a new message to the recipient's email address
Allows users to select the 'Copy to Email' option, this will send an email to the user telling them they have a new message in their Enable LMS
Can view all users in the LMS
Allows users to see all the users in their LMS, so that they can send any messages to them if the compose new message permission is also enabled.
Can allocate via branches
If branching functionality is enabled, allows Line Managers to allocate using them.
Can report via branches
Allows Line Managers to report with branches
Can invite users to the LMS from within a group
Allows Group Admins to invite users via an email address into the LMS and their group.
Group Admins can view all users
Allows Group Admins to see a list of active users when they're managing members of their group.