
Active users are accounts which have access to your Enable LMS. Each user will have their own learning, audits, job roles, assignments, events. You will see a list of all active users. Each user will be listed by their name with their email address and profile image (if set).

You can filter this list by using the search text box, which will match against their name and email address. You can also access further filters from the filter button. From this you can narrow down your users by the following methods:

  • Status, active users, inactive users or both sets
  • Logged in status, if a user has logged in, not logged or if the user welcome invite email has not been sent
  • Group, by any groups the users may be a member of
  • Classification, by any group classification the user may be a group member of
  • Roles, if the user is an LMS Admin, has any custom Admin roles or a standard user
  • Optional Fields, by any of the optional fields you may have set up in your Enable LMS. More about Optional Fields.

You can also sort the list of users, by the following criteria:

  • Alphabetically, A-Z and Z-A
  • Date created, newest first and oldest first

If you wish to view more users you can select between 12, 24, 48 or 96 items per page.

Viewing a User Profile

Select the user in the list and you will be taken to their user profile. For more information please see the article on User Profiles.

Inactive Users

You can make a user inactive if you do not need them to access your Enable LMS but do not want to delete them. If you make a user active again, they will regain access to any allocations they previously had. You can also filter on inactive users in reports.

To make a user inactive:

  1. Select the checkbox on any user. You can select multiple at once.
  2. Whilst you have a user selected, you can select the 'Set Inactive' button
  3. You will be prompted to confirm this action, select 'Confirm' if you wish to proceed

Deleting Users

If you no longer need a user you can delete them. Deleting them will remove all their learning, awards, job roles and event history. We do not recommend you delete users unless you have made them in error. Once a user is deleted, they cannot be be recovered.

To delete a user:

  1. Select the checkbox on any user. You can select multiple at once.
  2. Whilst you have a user selected, you can select the 'Set Inactive' button
  3. You will be prompted to confirm this action, select 'Confirm' if you wish to proceed