Locations are used for events. You create meeting rooms where you can hold your event sessions.
Locations need to be created before creating an event so that you can select the location where you want to hold your event session and the room.
Creating a location
To create a location select locations.
You’ll see a list of your Locations.
Select Add location
Add the detail of the location and select Add.
Creating a room
Select a location that you have already created.
Add room.
Enter the details of the room. Capacity will show when you create an event and wish to use this room.
Editing a location or room
To edit an existing Location, select the 3 dots at the right-hand side. Here you can Edit and Update the details (Name, Address, City, Post Code, Country).
To edit a Room that is linked to that Location, you’ll need to click in the Location box.
When Editing a Room you can change the Name of the room, the Capacity (size) and the Description.