To join a new group, select the 'Groups' icon, this will take you to your active groups. Select 'Find a Group'.
A selection of groups you can to join will appear in this list. Some groups are open and others require a reason for joining, this is determined by the administrators of the system.
If you want to join a group that requires authorisation, you will need to select the group by selecting the arrow icon on the group.
A box will appear asking you to provide a reason for joining the group. Once you are happy with your reason for joining, select 'Request'. This will be sent to the administrator of the group, so they will review this and either accept or decline the request. If you wish to cancel the message, select 'Cancel'.
Once you have sent the request to join the group, you will be taken back to the ‘Find a Group’ page and you will see that your request is pending.